Table of Contents

User's info

Request provides possibility to receive information about user.

Request example



Parameter Description
id Unique Id of user

Additional information

Provides full information about user.

Server's response

User's info
    "id":24279, // ID
    "creator":24237, // ID of the creator
    "login":"newtestUser", // login 
    "is_admin":0, // 0 - user has no admin access; 1 - user has admin access
    "address_base":"Google", // Address base settings. **Warning!** This setting is available only on Gelios Server.
    "time_zone":10800, // Timezone offset in secconds
    "mail":"", // Email
    "phone":"", // Phone number 
    "account":"0", // Balance
    "cost_unit":null, // Unit cost
    "is_block":0, // User's status: 0 - not blocked, 1 - blocked
    "cost_day":null, // Limit for "Write off days" type
    "cost_mode":"", // Method of payment
    "days":null, // Amount of days on balance
    "winter_time":0, // Daylight saving time
    "legal_name":"", // Name of the legal entity
    "location":"", // Address
    "lat_lon":"", // Default map center coordinates
    "currency":"", // Currency
    "date_create":1516010338, // Date of creation
    "date_block":null, // Blocking date
    "last_login":null, // Last authorization date
    "services":[], // List of active services