
Gelios monitoring system allows you to track the alarm sensor triggering (the so-called alarm button) installed in the vehicle and notify the operator of it in order to take appropriate prompt actions.

The monitoring system does not limit the user to which sensor will be used as an alarm sensor. If necessary, a smoke detector, a temperature sensor, a door opening sensor, etc. can act as such.

In the workplace of ​​the window, there is a list of all units of the current user. When clicking on the unit, the central part of the window displays a list of records with information on the sensor triggering. In order to display records for all units, click on the All Alarms line.

Depending on the processing status, the records are divided into three groups:

Each record is characterized by the following parameters:

When you click on a cell in the Coordinates column, the map shows the point at which the alarm sensor was triggered.

With the status in progress, it is possible to add an event description. To do this, click the icon in the Events column. As a result, a form will open to describe the alarm event.

You need to specify the event description and date in the form. Click the Save button to save the changes.