====== Chat ====== When you click on the icon, the chat form with drivers is displayed. {{:en:a-user-guide:r62.png?direct|}} This form is used to communicate with the driver of the current unit. Communication is carried out through the mobile tracking application GeliosTracker ([[en:c-mobile-apps:ios:gelios-tracker|iOS]] / [[en:c-mobile-apps:android:gelios-tracker|Android]]). The list of units with which chat communication is allowed is shown in the left part of the form. The selected unit is highlighted in grey. To send a message, type the text and click the button {{:ru:user-guide:units:units-list:chat:chat_send.png?direct|}}. The text of the message will be displayed in the chat. To further inform the driver of a new message, click the **Send push** button. By clicking the button, a Push notification will be sent to the device.