====== Locator ====== The Locator function allows you to create a link to track selected units on the map quickly. When you click the icon, the current locator table is displayed. Click Add, and two windows will appear with the option to add units and geozones. Tracking will be performed until the date specified in the field “Validity period”. {{:en:a-user-guide:r60.png?800|}} After selecting the units and specifying the validity period, click the Save button. As a result, a link with accompanying information will be displayed in the table. Using the link in the browser, you will be able to track selected units within the specified time period and quickly go to the map, which will indicate the location of the selected units. To edit the created locator, click the Edit icon in the table, then the data attributed to the current locator will be displayed in the unit and geozone windows.