Table of Contents

Create New User

The request is intended to create new user account.

Request Example



Parameter Description
login User Login
pass User Password
is_admin Sets administrator rights:
1 // User will have administrator rights.
0 // User will not have administrator rights.
address_base IMPORTANT! Gelios Hosting uses its own address base and switching is impossible. The setting is relevant for Gelios Server.
Sets the used address base:
"Google" // Google Address Base
"Yandex" // Yandex Address Base
"Wialon" // Wialon Address Base
email User Account Email
phone User Account Phone Number.
language Interface language of the user account
creator Creator of the User Account.
location User Account Location.
legal_name Name of the legal entity of the user account.
lat_lon The coordinates of the initial centering of the card for the user account.
cost_mode Payment mode for the user account:
"units" // Monthly fee for all units
"days" // Cost by days
"units_days" //Daily payment for active units
"units_days_all" //Daily payment for all units
cost_unit Unit cost for user account. For a monthly fee for units is indicated the cost per month, with daily payment - the cost per day.
currency Payment currency for user account.
cost_day Limit for payment type “Cost by days”.
hide_menu Sets the list of parts of the user interface that you want to hide for user account:
"monitoring" // Cars
   "unit_phone"  // Unit phone number
   "create_cmd" // Send Command
   "waybills" // Waybills
   "files" // Files
   "chat" // Chat
   "unit_edit" // Change name
   "features" // Features
"tracks" // Tracks
"report" // Reports
   "general_templates" // General Report Templates
"graph" // Graphs
"geo_object" // Geosites
"notification" // Notifications
   "edit_notifications" // Edit Notifications
   "type_notif_email" // Type of notification E-mail
   "type_notif_sms" // Type of notification SMS
   "type_notif_online" // Type of notification online
   "type_notif_http" // Type of notification HTTP
   "type_notif_cmd" // Type of notification command
"routes" // Routes
"drivers" // Drivers
"documentation" // Documentation
"maintenance" // Maintenance
"alarms" // Alarm
"berlio" // Fuel card
"change_password" // Change password

Additional Information

Optional parameters: “is_admin”:1, “address_base”:“Google”, “time_zone”:0, “email”, “phone”:“1234567”, “language”:“en”, “creator”:1, “location”:“Минск”, “legal_name”:“organization”, “lat_lon”:“23.2323,57.211”, “cost_mode”: “units | days”, “cost_day”: 10, “currency”: “eur”, “cost_unit”: 1.5, “hide_menu”:“sensor,report,video,graph,routes,drivers,maintenance,alarms,berlio,waybills, files,chat,features,general_templates” To add “+” in phone number - %2B

Server Response

User successfully created
    "user_id":"24279", // ID of the created user
    "units_group_id":"28840", // Units Group ID of the created user
    "users_group_id":"24640" // Users Group ID of the created user